Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lesson Plans and RTI

Ooooo RTI!  Education's new BUZZ word.

I am sure like most schools, RTI is the new push and focus of administration.  At our school, we are also required to complete grade level lesson plans and have a copy available for administrators to look at upon entering the room.  We are also required to keep a copy of  RTI In The Classoom and data on our Tier One, Two, and Three groups.

In the past, printing out these lesson plans and keeping this information neat and organized has proven to be one of my weaknesses.  So this summer I devised a solution, with the help of Pinterest (of course!) A very organized woman plans her family activities by the week and keeps file folders of important dates, doctor visits, birthdays, vacations, etc.  So I thought,  "That will so work for First Grade."

  So here it is....

Each Nine Weeks is hanging in a different color file folder.  I have hanging files for each month and folders for each week.  I also created a document and corresponding calendar that shows all the teacher work days, holidays, grading periods etc.  Each week of year is planned on the calendar!  Now all I'll need to do is drop fun ideas or current lesson plans in the corresponding week and I'll have it ready to go and easily accessible for administration.  At the back, I'll create folders for each student (numbered of course, no names).  I'll keep copies of anecdotal records and RTI data and reports there.  Here is to hoping!!  

This guy will be a part of my "Communication Station."  

I'll post pictures of it when I am actually allowed in my classroom.  Our school is undergoing huge renovations this year and it is looking like I'll have FOUR days to set up my classroom! YIKES !

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