Well, I have decided to start a blog (joining the rest of the world.) I spend so much of my time talking about teaching, reading about teaching best practices, and searching (
Pinterest) for cute teaching ideas. I decided it was time to share a little of what I love with the world. I hope that I will keep up with all that goes on in my classroom, as well as, sharing great resources, ideas, and happenings.
This year marks a bit of a "beginning" for me. I will be working with three new teachers on our team, teaching Common Core Standards for the first time, teaching in a new room, and serving a leadership role for my district. All of which I am very excited about, especially my new team. :)
I teach at a
National Paideia School. We are the currently the only one in South Carolina. Paideia is greek meaning child rearing, education. It was a system of instruction in Athens in which students were given a well-rounded cultural education. In today's world, Paideia aims to teach the whole-child. There are three main components that are unique and special to Paideia practices: Seminars, Coached Projects and Student-Led Conferences. During Seminar, students discuss content or ideas without raising their hands. Students are taught to question other students' thinking, but to appreciate and respect varying opinions and ideas. They learn it is ok to agree to disagree. Coached Projects allow students to showcase their learning. No more at-home project where students with the most creative parents have the best projects. A coached project must have some sort of product that is critiqued using a rubric by an authentic audience. Each child is held accountable for his learning and performance. My favorite component is the Student-led Conference. These conferences are held three times a year. The child presents to his parents his learning, strengths, and weaknesses. Together the families and the learner set goals for new learning. The teacher is there but watches over four to five conferences at a time. My school is home to a diverse population. This is often forgotten because we are fortunate to be a uniform school. I live in the neighborhood that serves my school and love teaching there. This years marks my third year at Meadowfield. It is a school that I hope to grow old in. :)
With this year being so full of "firsts," it is sure to be a challenging one. I hope I am able to enjoy all the ups and downs, and I hope I am successful at sharing the experience with you.